Crossy road castle secret rooms
Crossy road castle secret rooms

This arcade action game is a lot of fun, but with friends or family, it becomes very hard to put down. Crossy Road Castle can be played solo, or up to four players can try to advance up the tower as far as they can go. Every 30 levels, players will also face off against a boss, which will give them a new challenge as they avoid attacks and try to defeat enemies. Coins can also be grabbed to buy lost hearts back at machines in the game (which are placed every ten levels as a break in the action) or to buy new extras like hats. Along the way, they'll try to grab tokens, which can be redeemed for new characters at the end of a run.

crossy road castle secret rooms crossy road castle secret rooms

Failing to clear one of these hazards will cost one heart, and if you lose three hearts, you start over from the beginning. Players will leap across platforms, dodge attacks by birds and other blocky creatures, and bounce across chasms. CROSSY ROAD CASTLE is the follow up to 2015's popular Crossy Road app, with a significant difference: instead of trying to navigate your way through an endless set of roads or highways, this time, you're trying to make your way through an endless set of randomized floors in a castle.

Crossy road castle secret rooms